International Civil Diplomacy Group

Civil Diplomacy the People Power

Welcome to the official website of International Civil Diplomacy Group, dedicated to promoting Civil Diplomacy and People Power internationally.

Civil Diplomacy

Our focus on Civil Diplomacy encourages dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution at the international level.

 US - People Power

We believe in the ability of people to influence government decisions and generate significant changes in society.

International Cooperation

We promote collaboration between nations to address global challenges and build a more just and equitable world.

I World Congress of the International Group of Civil Diplomacy

Next November in the City of Malaga (Spain) the first world congress of the International Group of Civil Diplomacy will be held, in which we will analyze the global situation of the world in the 21st century and the solutions that can be provided through the action of Civil Society. 
The congress is free to participate through registration


Malaga, Spain

Human rights

Fight to defend Human Rights

Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. They range from the most fundamental - the right to life - to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.




For many, embarking on an unseaworthy boat may seem like the best option available, in the absence of safer alternatives to flee conflict or persecution and seek opportunities to rebuild their lives.


In the 2030 Agenda, Member States expressly recognize that “international migration [...] requires coherent and comprehensive responses, and commit to cooperating internationally to guarantee safe, orderly and regular migration that implies full respect for human rights.” and the humane treatment of migrants, regardless of the immigration status of refugees and displaced persons” (para. 29).


International African Conference on Migration, held in Benghazi, Libya, from 29 to 30 January 2024, at the kind invitation of the Government of Libya, chaired by Dr. Osama Hammad and jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. and International Cooperation and the Ministry of State for Migration.
This important conference brought together a large number of Libyan and African personalities, led by Her Excellency Counselor Aqeela Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, His Excellency the President of the African Parliament, Fortune Charumbira, His Excellency the Prime Minister of Libya Government Dr. Osama Hammad and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Interior of the Republic of Niger, the participants were MPs, government experts, civil society and private sector organizations from 30 African countries, as well as Africans living abroad in several European countries.


International Group News

The International Group of Civil Diplomacy denounced the situation of child soldiers in the Tindouf camps in Algeria to the UN in Geneva.

Within the 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council at its headquarters in Geneva, the International Group has denounced the unsustainable, amoral and inhumane situation of the use of child soldiers for war.

The use of children for war is clearly and emphatically prohibited in the international charters of children's rights, which the armed band of the Polisario continually violates with total impunity.

At the event, in addition to filing a complaint, international organizations were asked to demand an end to these amoral activities with children and to open a thorough investigation into the events in the Tindouf camps.



Until the Tindouf children's terrorism academy is ended, it will be impossible to end wars in Africa.

At the meeting organized by the Altamirano organization itself and the International Group of Civil Diplomacy, Altamirano emphasized that, “as long as international society continues to look the other way, it does not condemn and demand the closure of the Tindouf camps, a true general academy of "Aspiring terrorists from minors, from real boys and girls, there will be no hope for peace on the African continent." Likewise, he highlighted that "the future travels with childhood and youth, if we want a future of peace, it is essential that we educate in peace and not in war, which is why we must definitively put an end to child soldiers in Any part of the world".

Benghazi Declaration, a way to solve immigration in the Mediterranean.

Organized by “La Commission Mediterranéenne de la Migration et L'Asile CMMA”, “Benghazi Diplomatic Club” and the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation”, the proposals have flowed clearly regarding the idea that African countries Mediterranean borders cannot become border police, but there must be clear and useful cooperation to stop irregular immigration and turn it into regular and positive migration.


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