
Europeans and Africans must work together to address the migration problem as an opportunity for all.

Id tation temporibus conclusionemque perCommitted to the problems of migratory flows

In what ways can we help migrants in the current context?

There are multiple ways we can help migrants who have fled their home nations in search of a better future. Some of these ways include:

Protection and humanitarian assistance: It is essential to guarantee the protection and respect of the human rights of migrants. This involves providing safe shelter, access to basic services, medical care and psychosocial support.

Humanitarian organizations and governments play a crucial role in providing humanitarian assistance to migrants. From this perspective, the support that individuals and philanthropic organizations provide through donations and volunteer actions is crucial to safeguarding the rights and guaranteeing the satisfaction of the basic needs of migrants.

Integration and support in destination communities: Destination communities can assist migrants by providing employment opportunities, affordable housing, local language learning programs, and support in cultural integration. Raising awareness and promoting diversity and inclusion are fundamental aspects when it comes to promoting harmonious coexistence between migrants and local communities.

Migration is a social problem that increases every year, and is mostly caused by the social and economic conditions of a country. Therefore, the lack of opportunities and extreme poverty are an example to understand the problems that immigration causes.

For the phenomenon of immigration to happen, there must be a series of reasons that make the person want to leave their country. Therefore, we will see the causes of immigration:

The reasons why immigration occurs are diverse:

Conditions of the country of origin: this is a fundamental element that occurs due to economic, social and political crises, which generate poverty, violence and social confrontations.

  • Consequently, people seek new frontiers, to help family members left behind.
  • Natural tragedies or wars: These are humanitarian catastrophes, whether of natural origin or caused by humans. They lead to refugees, or displaced people who emigrate to neighboring countries.
  • Opportunities: On many occasions emigrants go in search of job, personal or love offers, generally they are unique cases.

The migratory movement worldwide is highly significant, and each country has its particular causes why its inhabitants decide to emigrate. For this reason, the problems caused by immigration are increasingly common and it is necessary to solve them in a timely manner.

Committed to the Benghazi Declaration

International African Conference on Migration, held in Benghazi, Libya, from 29 to 30 January 2024, at the kind invitation of the Government of Libya, chaired by Dr. Osama Hammad and jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. and International Cooperation and the Ministry of State for Migration.

If we really want to start addressing the issue of immigrants, the main economic countries must reformulate their approach to African countries, leaving aside the monopolistic culture and the historical colonial approach adopted by some countries towards the countries and peoples of the continent. Likewise, leave behind the effects of the past and work on development plans in all aspects of life so that we can make the UN motto "dignity, freedom and justice for all" a reality for 2024.

Migration has been part of the human experience throughout history, a factor that brings people closer together, civilizations and a source of prosperity, innovation, sustainable development and economic empowerment in the context of globalization.

Consistent with this commitment to Benghazi, the International Group will be actively present at the next Afro-European Congress on Migration in the Mediterranean with forceful proposals emanating from the strength of civil society




Committed to peace in the Moroccan Sahara

The autonomous solution is a guarantee of peace in the southern provinces of the Kingdom of Morocco

The sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over its southern provinces is an indisputable act of justice and reparation for European colonialism on the continent africain

Pedro Ignacio Altamirano - International Civil Diplomacy Group

Autonomous solution

The International Group for Peace and Sahrawi Reunification, from which the current ICDG emanates, carried out hard work that lasted more than five years of work that is summarized in the white book on the final resolutions of the group's work.

All of this hard work by the group determined that the southern provinces were Moroccan before Spanish colonization, and therefore the Kingdom of Morocco is legitimately sovereign in the territory.

Today, the final conclusions are taken into account by the acting and determining parties in their legal solutions.

The resolution states that the autonomous solution is the only realistic and practical way to solve a problem that has already lasted too long.


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